Nugget blog officially begins!
Felix Craig Hegstrom
Nov 13 (Friday, natch), 2009, 10:13am
21 inches, 6 pounds even
Nugget blog officially begins!
Felix Craig Hegstrom
Nov 13 (Friday, natch), 2009, 10:13am
21 inches, 6 pounds even
Last night, Mr Nikki & I were watching tv – Mr Nikki had his hand on my stomach and at one point, exclaimed, “What the hell was that??”
Nugget is usually quiet at night and weekends, when Chris is home. THAT, I said, is what I get to feel all afternoon and often in the middle of the night.
Boxing. That’s exactly what it feels like. You know when the boxers practice with that little punching back and they just stand there rapidly smacking away at it? That’s me. I’m the punching bag. You’ll have to ask Chris for his impression of our little 2 pound boxer, when you see him this weekend.
I think Nugget is already showing some personality. If I don’t eat soon enough when I get up, or not enough, he goes crazy. As in, it feels like he starts flailing around and throwing a tantrum. This is a demanding little man we have on our hands, no?
According to all the “what to expect” websites, he’ll be starting to respond to things he hears, too. Which means… sigh… I have to let Chris continue babbling at him – but that doesn’t mean there has to be singing involved! Though, speaking of singing, maybe it’s time to begin Nugget’s musical education. I’d love for him to be one of those snooty, music-aficionado teenagers, except unlike “these kids today,” he’d actually have a right to be. None of this Emo junk that they’re all listening to now.
Seeing as this is Nugget’s blog and there’d be no Nugget if not for us, this is a perfect topic for “Nugget’s Blog.”
Ok, so my Dad didn’t actually hold a gun to Chris’s head and demand he make an honest woman of me, Chris did it all by himself. Nugget’s grandparents are thrilled – My parents seem to have adored Chris from the moment they met him (oh, so… not long ago…)
I think my mom just likes the fact that Chris is all chatty and social, as opposed to me, who… well, you know. (What? I’m charming.) Well, never mind – he’s been around me in the morning & still signed up for life. BWA HA HA!
We’re leaving Thursday night and hey! maybe we’ll pass through some wildfires along the way! He read on the news yesterday that they were evacuating parts of Santa Barbara (where we’re going) because of fires – however, that seems to be primarily in the mountains. I also talked to our official marriage person and she seemed unconcerned. Fires, be damned.
Then we get to sleep in on Friday (what, you think we’d get up early even for this?) and we’ll do a sunset thing on Butterfly Beach at 6:30. Yes, yes, we’ll take pictures. More than pictures, we got a surprise for y’all…
Wonder if Nugget will be more active than usual?
Since I’m seeing “the midwives,” we can get a different midwife each time. Mostly, this is fine, but last visit I saw one that I didn’t like very much. She lectured me about “slowing down my weight gain,” but didn’t bother to ask me a thing about my eating habits (because, quite frankly, my worry is that I haven’t been eating enough) and she also didn’t really answer any of the questions I had.
So last visit, I got lectured about slowing down my weight gain, and this was BEFORE I had even gotten weighed that week, revealing I was 7 pounds more than what she originally thought. I braced myself this week, thinking that with all the (daily) swimming I’ve been doing, maybe I’d not have gained that much.
Nope. Another 6 pounds. I’m now at 160. I think I’ve already gained the amount I thought I’d gain for the entire pregnancy.
*I’m* not all that concerned about it – I’m not a big eater, I munch on vegetables all day and yes, I have an addiction to cupcakes but we’re talking a cupcake a week. That’s negligible. I’ve also done yoga & now swim every single day. Luckily, today’s midwife didn’t say a word to me about my weight because my response would have been that the only other option for me, then, would be to eat even less & start losing weight – which we all know is a bad idea.
I had a dream, a few weeks ago, where I went to the doctor and weighed in at 170 and I woke up thinking, “Yeesh. 170.” That’s like… a 40 pound weight gain. But seeing as Nugget doesn’t even weigh 2 pounds yet, and I’m at 160, I’d say 170, here I come!
I’d care if I looked like I weighed that much and felt really out of shape. But honestly, Chris & I can’t figure out where all the weight is. (I say Nugget has a really big, heavy brain.) Nor have I experienced any of the negative aspects of pregnancy thus far – I seem to be in optimum health, nothing hurts (except my hips sometimes, when I sleep, but that happened even before pregnancy), I’m not dizzy, I’m a fanatic about eating organic & natural, my blood pressure is perfect, I don’t even get heartburn enough to speak about it.  Especially now that I’ve been swimming, I feel in better shape than I’ve ever been. I even walked up 4 flights of stairs at the hospital today, because there were too many people waiting in line for the elevator. And I still wear a size small up top and medium, with room, on the bottom.
So hopefully all the other midwives will determine that it’s pointless to get on my case about weight gain. I get that it’s not good to gain a ton of weight if you’re out of shape, not eating well, and generally look like you’re packing it on. That’s certainly not my case, though.
Hey! The doctor managed to scare us today! I said YAY! I finally get something to latch onto to worry about. God knows I’ve been far too laid-back about all this pregnancy stuff.
During our appointment/ultrasound 4 weeks ago, they said they noticed a cyst on his brain – something that’s apparently very common & resolves itself (since all of our genetic testing thus far had been negative.)Â Â So I haven’t given it much thought.
Today, the midwife told me they’d were supposed to call me to let us know that they’d noticed something else in the ultrasound, later – his kidneys are slightly dilated (renal hydronephrosis.) She said, also, that this is pretty common & usually resolves itself, but I have to get another ultrasound in 7 weeks just to be sure.
Now, had they told us this at the same time they told us about the cyst, I’d not have worried. But it didn’t feel as routine today & it was a “whoops, they should have called you,” thing, so now… I’m feeling a little anxious about it. Though I googled, with a grain of salt, and everything points to “it will be fine.” It also seems that this is “the most commonly detected anomaly,” so… most likely, nothing to worry about.
If I can even make such a judgement yet – the nose looks like mine, the mouth & cheeks look like Chris’s.
Guess we have awhile to wait yet, to see if he has blue or green eyes. (Something I picked up in high school biology. Blue & Green are recessive genes, and since Chris has green and I have blue, Nugget can’t possibly have brown eyes.) I’m hoping for green. I’ve always had a thing for green eyes.
Today we went to one of those ultrasound places and paid for more pictures – and a DVD! – of Nugget. Just cause, ya know, we wanted to see him again.
As you can see, the 4D pictures are… neat, but kinda weird & creepy, no? I’m pretty sure he has my nose & Chris’s mouth.
Oh, he has Chris’s mouth, alright – we watched him move around, open his mouth, and try to eat his hand. There was a lot of mouth opening. I’ll bet anything he’ll be in there talking to himself for the next 3 months. Talking to himself and just making lots of noise in general. Cause he’s his father’s son.
Inquiring minds want to know: next appointment is Tuesday, August 11. Nothing special, though, just a regular check-up.
We’re contemplating going to one of those ultrasound shops where you pay $50 for more ultrasounds, just to have. (Now, THERE’S a racket, huh? People will pay anything when it comes to their kids.) You have a couple ultrasound appointments, then start to feel a little ripped off during non ultrasound appointments at the doctor when all they do is say, “How are you feeling? Good? Good. See you in 4 weeks.” That’s IT? Pictures, please! We want to see him bouncing around!
It seems I might actually look PREGNANT finally, as opposed to just looking oddly misshapen. Two women, yesterday, asked me when I was due.
I can’t help but think how fun it would be, one of these times, to recoil in horror and cry, “I’m not pregnant!”
I also worry that if women have started asking me when I’m due, that means people might start trying to touch me soon. God help the first strange, random person who reaches out to touch my stomach. I might have to reach out to touch them. Though it’ll probably feel less like a touch and more like a slap.