Oops. A lot of time has passed since my last update. The thing is, it’s a lot easier to update when they’re LITTLE and there’s not as much to say. Then one day, you wake up and OH MY GOD, THAT’S A LOT OF MILESTONES. I didn’t realize it’d be like this already. By “like this” I mean, he seems so grown up. I have to stop calling him “baby” because he’s not. He’s a little boy.
He started full-on walking right after his 1 year birthday, as predicted (by me.)
In fact, this past week it seems he discovered that he can also walk backwards and he does it often, at completely random moments. It’s pretty funny to watch.
I think his vocabulary is about to explode – he’s had his repertoire of onomatopoeia words (like “Boom!”) and “Uh-oh” was his first word, months ago. Whenever I ask him where his froggy is, he runs towards it, saying “baahdee baahdee!” He’s recently started repeating “pee!” (and even peed when I said it, in the bathtub, a few nights in a row. I still can’t tell if that was coincidence or not?)  A couple days ago it sounded like he said “monkey” after me, but not again. This morning he was playing with one of his “noisy” toys and when he pushed the yellow key and the voice sang out, “yellow!”, he said, “Yoh.”
There’s so many I’m already forgetting them all. Regardless of any words that we understand, he talks a lot.
I took him to the KidsQuest something something Museum the other day, which *I* did not like, at all. No point in mincing words, there were a lot of brats there. One kid pushed him over & away and while *I* was pissed, Felix just got up and walked away, calmly, not a care. Anytime any other kid would get in his way or grab something he was going for, he’d just change course. He’s rarely interested in objects and toys when we’re out, anyway. He just walks and walks and walks and walks around and around and around and around. I took him out of the little kids area (for crawlers and new walkers) and into the other area, where all the big kids were running around. (Luckily, it wasn’t that crowded so I didn’t have to worry about big kids running by and slamming into him.) He seemed to enjoy the “big kids” stuff a lot more. More to see, more buttons to push. And the WATER, he loved splashing his hands around in that.
But KidsQuest is an indoor area, attached to a mall, of all things – I don’t really like that atmosphere. Yesterday it was sunny and blue, so I decided we needed to get outside and took him to the zoo. *I* thought he’d enjoy looking at all the animals, but nope – what he loved was all the open space, so he walked and walked and walked and walked and turned around and around and walked and walked. He just loves to look around and observe. The one animal he was interested in was the peacock. There was a peacock running around, loose, and Felix wanted to run right up and grab it. I had to hold him back a few feet and Felix fought me the entire time, eyes glued to the peacock. For the rest of this winter season, we’re sticking to outdoor stuff. Even when we’re at home, he walks and walks and walks and walks, stopping only occasionally to flip through a book or play with his workbench.
Oh! And yesterday, the babysitter told me that she was reading to him from a book about colors. When she got to the “pink” page, he pointed to her fingernails – which were bright, bright pink. He didn’t do that with any other page. Coincidence? I think not!
I also taught him the “monkey” gesture (one hand on head, one hand scratching armpit) and the monkey, “ooh! ooh! ooh!” Now when I either make the noise or say “monkey” he makes the gesture. We’re working on elephant, next.
He’s an excellent eater. (I realize this can change and he could turn picky, but the thing is, I don’t care. We’re not going to make an issue of it, he’ll eat or not – all I care about is that what he DOES eat will be healthy. He’s not going to be one of those kids who gets picky, so we start giving him junk and processed foods just to get him to eat. I do plan on including him in meal planning and decision making as he gets older, so I think that will help.) He still loves his raw milk, which I am happy to let him drink a few times a day because it’s good for him. He also loves water – whenever I fill his sippy cup, he dances around excitedly until I hand it to him. That’s pretty much all he drinks. In the Fall, I gave him some apple cider occasionally and in the summer, I’ll give him some fresh squeeze orange juice or some such, but he eats bananas and oranges and real fruit, so why bother with sugary juices? He loves the bananas and orange slices. Apples in his oatmeal, with raisins. Pears. Strawberries. Blueberries. I’ve started making baked oatmeal, so that we make it once and just heat it up every morning, he enjoys that with a little raw honey and yogurt.  He likes quiche (this morning he had some broccoli cheddar quiche with his oatmeal). Oh my god – he does not like cheese. This befuddles me. How can you not like cheese? *shrug*
People have said things to us like, “Oh, just wait until he’s such and such age and he’s got personality!” I want to ask them what’s wrong with their kid, but this one has had big personality from the get go.
We (I?) waffle back and forth about having another one. One one hand, sure. On the other hand – Felix has kind of set an impossibly high standard. He is such an easy going, independent kid. He amuses himself all day (sometimes pushing me away if I try to play with him – just like he does if I try to help him over a small obstacle when walking, “I can do it myself!!”) and he sleeps from 8-9:30 in the morning!!!! If he didn’t nap much the previous day, he’ll sleep till around 9. But otherwise, he averages around 8:30. My worst nightmare, when thinking about having children, was of having to get up at 6 am every day. UGH. What are the odds of getting another one that sleeps until after 8am??? What are the odds of having another one that is so easy and independent as this one?
And CUTE? I know his cuteness is because of his genes, but c’mon – I think we used up every ounce of cute available on this one.