Seeing as this is Nugget’s blog and there’d be no Nugget if not for us, this is a perfect topic for “Nugget’s Blog.”
Ok, so my Dad didn’t actually hold a gun to Chris’s head and demand he make an honest woman of me, Chris did it all by himself. Nugget’s grandparents are thrilled – My parents seem to have adored Chris from the moment they met him (oh, so… not long ago…)
I think my mom just likes the fact that Chris is all chatty and social, as opposed to me, who… well, you know. (What? I’m charming.) Well, never mind – he’s been around me in the morning & still signed up for life. BWA HA HA!
We’re leaving Thursday night and hey! maybe we’ll pass through some wildfires along the way! He read on the news yesterday that they were evacuating parts of Santa Barbara (where we’re going) because of fires – however, that seems to be primarily in the mountains. I also talked to our official marriage person and she seemed unconcerned. Fires, be damned.
Then we get to sleep in on Friday (what, you think we’d get up early even for this?) and we’ll do a sunset thing on Butterfly Beach at 6:30. Yes, yes, we’ll take pictures. More than pictures, we got a surprise for y’all…
Wonder if Nugget will be more active than usual?