
Note: Chamomile water = magical elixer.

When I say, “He doesn’t nap during the day,” you can’t possibly understand the weight of that statement or just how serious I am, without spending a day or two with him.  He never does longer than 20 minute spurts and even those not more than a couple times a day.

The pediatrician gave me a bottle of chamomile water, which is supposed to relax (read: sedate) babies.  Or anyone, really.  Ever had a cup of chamomile tea at night?

He’s been napping in his swing for… oh, a good couple hours now.  How does one go to a forced 20 minute catnap to two hours of sleeping?  MAGIC, that’s how.   Or maybe the probiotics I gave him settled his tummy down enough for him to sleep.  Or maybe a combination of the two.  Whatever.  He’s been napping and I’ve been able to sit here going through photos and blogging.

Chamomile water.  GOLD.

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