I still have to finish uploading the past two weeks of pictures, so that’ll take another day or so.
Having not posted for two weeks, I feel like I’ve forgotten things already.
He’s up to 15 lbs now, probably an ounce or two more.
We had a few more horrendously fussy, grumpy days and then, as usual, they cleared and he’s back to his usual chatty, smiley self. And BOY, is he ever chatty!
He’s been fiddling with his hands more & more, he grab things more (he keeps pulling his pacifier out of his mouth and has attempted, a few times, to put it back himself.)
The drooling is nothing new, but JEEZ, he’s worse than a Saint Bernard.
We took our first trip to the zoo last week – originally, to meet up with other mothers from an online group I joined. But since we couldn’t find them, Felix & I spent a couple hours strolling through on our own. He was fascinated with the new scenery and stared down a black & white picture of a raccoon. Again, I found myself longing for the days when I can take him to the zoo and he can run around telling me about his favorite animals.
While I don’t believe in forcing babies to conform to a schedule for our convenience, I was feeling pretty fried for a few days. He was grumpy as hell and was waking up early again. He’d been waking up at 6:30-7 and I was seriously thinking about staying up to do yoga instead of going back to bed with him after he was fed. But of course, that’s when he started getting gretsy and waking up early. 7 am I’d stay up. 5am, no way.
So, upon a few people suggesting, I tried giving him a little rice cereal (brown, organic, of course.) Not enough to make me feel badly about giving him solids too early, but enough to see if it might do something for him. Lo and behold… I’m now wondering if all his fussing was because of constipation or gas, because for the past few nights that I’ve given him the cereal, he started pooping daily again and has been all smiles. Hmm…
I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting – but a lot of the changes & things I notice are subtle and I can’t quite put down on paper. But that’s what all the photos are for! (Speaking of pictures, Week 13 is here and Week 14 is here, but I still have a bunch of great photos on my camera that I need to upload yet, so… another day or so for those.)