week 15

I was contacting potential babysitters today, writing, “We have a 3 month old…” and then I realized I should be rounding up to 4 month old!

That’s like… a quarter of a year!

I still feel like I’m forgetting things that I wanted to take note of.  Last week I realized I forgot to mention the raspberries.  And the DROOL.  The kid is worse than a rabid St Bernard, what with all the slobber pouring out of his mouth.  I’ve read that this is exactly what should be happening (the drool started weeks ago) and is a precursor to teething, but MAN!  THE DROOL.  Last night I was telling Felix that I can’t wait for this drooling thing to end and Chris commented that  after all the poop, it’s the DROOL that grosses me out.  Well, yeah.  The poop is occasional.  You don’t have to touch it, really.  But the drool gets all over everything.  His collars are always wet and slimy, and the the left shoulder of all my shirts always have a giant wet spot on them.

The raspberries, however, are kinda new, as of last week.  It’s as though he suddenly realized that he could be DOING something with all that drool.  Something like making noise and blowing it all over the place.  And the hand-eating.  Have I mentioned that yet?  He sure does love to suck on his entire hand.  Usually the right one.

Thankfully, he’s been back to his cheerful self for awhile now.  He even slept till 8-8:30 a few nights! WOO HOO!  I dare not get any crazy ideas, again, about staying up to do yoga when he gets up instead of going back to bed, because then he’ll start getting up at 6 or earlier again.  Feh.

Speaking of babysitters.  So, I’m going to suck it up and get one or two.  Chris has been suggesting it for awhile now.  It’s not so much that I’m nervous about it – I think I’m surprisingly NOT one of those over-protective, anxious mothers (surprising to ME, anyway.)  I worry more about his intellectual development than I do about leaving him with a babysitter.  (I’m paranoid about how much interest he takes in the television when I have it on, to the point where I no longer even turn it on during the day.)

I’m looking through profiles of babysitters and I realized that – again, surprisingly – what I want is one of those chirpy, cheerful, cheerleader-y college types of girls.  I want one like one of the roommates I had in Prague for a short while.  I don’t want a dark & brooding teenager and I don’t want an older mother who would probably be more concerned with her own children than mine.  I like the cheerful-looking girls who were nannies or babysat in high school and are now in college.  Particularly the one who are majoring in psychology or childhood development.  Oh yes, I have this very well thought out!

(Hmm.  Maybe that makes me really protective, after all?)

I’m not really sure what I’ll do with myself, when I have a babysitter.  Obviously, I can use her when I want to go to the eye doctor, etc.  But Chris wants me to just get out and do stuff on my own which sounds nice in theory, but once left to my own devices, I just don’t know what to do!  Maybe I’ll just don a black turtleneck & glasses and take my laptop to a cafe, a la my erudite (or not) 20s.

But that’s me and this is supposed to be about Felix, who’s asleep right now.  He goes through phases.  When I want him to sleep, of course, he doesn’t.  20 minute catnaps.  But when he’s all cheerful & happy and content to sit in his boppy seat for hours just watching me organize the house, then – THEN – he takes naps for hours, falls asleep early and sleeps so much I worry about that.

His room is on my list this weekend – we finally got the changing table half put together, and I have creatures on his walls (for decoration.)  But the crib still isn’t up and there’s clothes strewn all over the floor.  The crib I’ll only use for afternoon naps because I’m nowhere near ready to sleep so far away from him.

The photos from this past week here.

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