I’ve decided that one month is far too long to go between “newsletters.” Maybe I’ll just give up on this scheduled newsletter business and write whenever.
Our little Nugget is chock full of personality (well, that’s not news, he always was) and turning into such a little person.
We’ve been using goat milk, in place of formula, quite successfully. He seems to actually like it (as opposed to being ambivalent about it), has less gas and spits up less since we started giving it to him. And his POOP! (Sorry, it has to be said.) His poop is a joy to deal with, compared to that god awful formula crap. Uh… no pun intended. It’s very easy to clean up, doesn’t stink as bad as formula poop, and quite frankly, looks like the result of a much healthier eating habit. Since giving him goat milk, I’ve started to come across & talk to many more people who’ve done the same.
He’s still as inconsistent as ever, with sleeping. He stayed up until 10, one night, and we thought, “GREAT! Surely, he’ll sleep till 7 or 8?” Nope. Woke up at 6. Then a couple nights later, he fell asleep around 7:30p and I thought, “Sigh. He’ll be up at the crack of dawn,” but he slept till close to 8.
He is grabby, grabby, grabby and has even figure out how to not only hold things, but to put them in his mouth, with intent. He pulls his pacifier out and is able to get it back to his mouth. Not always correctly, but pretty close. He’s also taken to putting his arm around my neck when I hold him and gosh, I love that…
I also love our morning routine. No matter the hour, there’s no being grumpy or unhappy when he’s the first thing you see. Every morning, weekend or weekday, we spend time playing with him in bed before getting up. If you strip him naked, he’ll lay down in bed for a long time, flailing his limbs about and laughing like mad. (Naked is the only way he’ll stay laying down for an extended period of time. Otherwise, he’s quite insistent on sitting UP UP UP, so that he can see everything.) But boy, does he love being naked. And he’s CHATTY.  I imagine he’ll be a chatty, naked boy, running around the house all day.
When he tires of laying down, or if he’s not naked, we prop him up in bed, to sit, or play airplane. He loves being held up high and/or bounced around. (Bouncing him after he eats is not such a good idea, however.) He squeals and smiles and giggles nonstop.
Speaking of laughing… both Chris and my mom have said they think he’ll be a boy with a goofy laugh. He sounds like a baby pterodactyl or an inverse squeaky toy. It’s adorable.
Last week, I laid him on his new rug, for belly time… and he flipped over! I put him back on his belly and he did it again! And then he stopped. Again. Ah, well. He’s stubborn, that one.
He’s also finally started to look to his right. He used to have this insistence, while being held, of only looking to the left. If you tried to put him to the right, he’d struggle and bang into your head until he arranged himself to the left. Suddenly, the other day, I realized that he was just as likely to shove your face out of the way to go right as he was left. Look out, world.
He is a happy, happy boy, for the most part.
There’s a whole ton of pictures here, that I haven’t sent out yet because I was waiting until the end of month 4. But I suppose that’s too long, also, so … to hell with schedules. There’s too much growing going on…