So, because Korey is leaving us in June (*sob!*) I’m starting to search for a new babysitter or babysitters, as the case may be. And I’ll tell ya, it was a LOT easier looking for babysitters before we knew Korey.
There are many superficial qualities that I’m looking for – like, I’ll only consider younger women (we’re talking 18 through early 20s). One, I like their energy and two, upon discovering how opinionated and judgmental women get about pregnancy, birth, mothering, etc, the last thing I want is someone my age or older who is a mother and might not agree with things I do. Or even an older women who’s been taking care of children for 20 years and thinks they know enough to tell me what they think about things. I also, sadly, can’t bring myself to have a male babysitter. I’ve seen profiles of one or two who sound really great, but I just can’t do it. But, this is my kid we’re talking about, so I’m allowed to have all the biases I want.
But the one thing that I can’t do a search filter for is personality, and that’s the one thing I’m really looking for. That’s the one thing I’m going to be incredibly fussy about now. I have (or, had) a back up babysitter for Korey and she’s absolutely fine. She’s nice & a good person and I’m sure would never let any harm come to Felix. I should give her more of a chance, really. But then I compare. Korey’s got a warmth about her, and genuinely seemed to like & care about Felix from the moment they met, whereas the other one is nice & thinks he’s cute, but that warmth is missing. So that’s what I’m looking for now. I want warmth, not just “I’ll watch over him.” Sigh. Very daunting task. If only we could keep Korey around forever and ever…