Tower of Babble

A few weeks ago, we were watching “Teen Mom”.  In the episode, one of the teen moms had taken her 18 month old to the pediatrician and was told that babies should be saying 10 words by 18 months.  And our big Dr Sears Baby book says 15 month olds average 5-6 words.  I know these aren’t hard and fast rules, but Felix is 16 months and has at least 30 words, not including the ones he repeats after us every now and then but doesn’t use with every day frequency.  I haven’t been keeping track – it got to be too many to remember, but I’m attempting to make a list.  (Though he seems to be doing a new one every other day, so I should update every week!)

His first clear & perfectly discernible word (or rather, phrase) was “uh-oh”.  He said that months and months ago, with perfect intonation.

There’s mommy, daddy (thought “daddy” seems to be equated with the crackers in the cabinet.  Is he calling his daddy a cracker?)

Nana, which he now occasionally adds the “ba” to the beginning for banana. Grape (which comes out grep.)  Apple, which is pretty much spot on.  Orange, which comes out “arahn”.  (I think he’ll be picking up my northeastern accent for this one.  “Ah-rahnje”.)

Bottle which comes out “bow”.  Hot, which is usually whispered with urgency.  Bye and bye bye.

Car, for which he hasn’t mastered the “r” yet and comes out “ca-y”.

Froggy, for his fuzzy frog chair and this comes out “baddy.”  This was one of his first words, months ago, too.

Pee, which he occasionally does on command, in the tub!  Cheese which is always cheeeeeeeeeeeeese and quiche.

No, of course.  Puppy, which he equates with puppies, dogs, squirrels and now the raccoon that visits our yard.

Butt down, which means “I want to get down” and he picked up from his diaper changes.  When I change him, I always lift his butt up to remove his diaper and put his butt down to snap the new diaper on.  I always say “butt UP!” and then “butt DOWN!”  So if he’s in your lap and wants to get down, he says, “Butt down! Butt down!”  If he’s sitting on his fire truck and wants to get off, he declares, “Butt down!”

Ah-choo! after we sneeze.

“Shoes!” always said with exuberance.  He loves wearing shoes.  Because wearing shoes usually means going “outside!” which he also loves and which sounds like ow-sigh.

Poopy, which needs no explanation, huh?  It used to sound like mumbai, but now he’s got his “p’s” down.

Indeed, which he always repeats after I say it, minus the I for ‘deed”.

Book, which he also says in Romanian (our babysitter has been teaching him Romanian words and he knows a few that I need to ask her and write down.)

Chilly, for when I tell him he needs a jacket to go outside.

There you go, because I say it all the time and sounds like “der go”.

I know I’m missing a few, trying to quickly write them all down as he says them, before I forget.  Though, like I said – that’s a lot of writing down, especially since he’s adding new ones every other day!!

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