7+ weeks

7bI’m going to try to write a weekly update, especially because I still haven’t gotten out to buy a proper baby book & we want to remember all his quirks & milestones.

So we’ve made it to almost 2 months – it’s absolutely flown by.  During those first few weeks when you’re frazzled & exhausted & feel like you’re about to lose your mind, people continuously tell you, “It’ll get easier,” and it does.  I also kept in mind what my mom had told me, “It doesn’t last forever.”

He was so easy and wonderful during the big move last week.  He slept through the ride to the airport, the 3 hour wait at the airport and during the flight.  He woke only when he was hungry or desperately in need of a diaper change.  He really isn’t much of a crier, at all, only crying when he needs something and settling as soon as he gets it.

The past week or two, his personality has really started to come through.  Just as we’d arrived in Seattle, I noticed that he’d begun to coo.  When my parents came to visit last week, all the attention & urging and has made him one chatty little fellow.  Even now, as I type, he’s laying on the floor making all sorts of happy little racket.

We aren’t sure how much he weighs now, but we guess it’s at least 10 lbs, if not a pound or two more.  He eats like a little monster.  (He also, today, has gas like a little monster.  WHEW!  How something so little & cute gives off a scent so powerful…)

He’s an independent fellow & already breaking his mother’s heart.  We’ve been co-sleeping with him since the day he was born.  I noticed, lately, that everytime I moved at night, he’d wake up.  I suspected he wanted his own sleeping space, so we experimented by putting him in the basinette, next to the bed, last night.  He slept soundly, for two full 4 hour stretches.  Sigh.  Already I miss seeing his face first thing when I open my eyes.  I even miss his flailing and his little hand smacking me in the face.  Yes, I do.

(He eats, a lot, and I think it’s because of something my mom pointed out.  He never stops moving. Hardly ever.  Always flailing, swinging his arms about, kicking his legs.  He’s an active, active boy.  (I have many pictures of him where his arms and legs are a blur.)

He showed an incredible amount of strength almost from the moment he was born by lifting his head and looking around whenever you’d hold him.  Already I remember the days when I called him Bobblehead.  But he’s gotten stronger and steadier & can hold his head much longer & higher, without quite so much waving about.  (We still call him Wrecking Ball, though, as he occasionally just let’s his head drop and WHAM! right into the side of your head.)  We put him down on his belly a couple times a day and he’s about *this close* to flipping himself over onto his back.

But you’d think with all that moving, he’d exhaust himself & sleep a lot, right?  Nope.   He’s inherited my inability – or rather, refusal – to sleep.  I laugh when I read “babies sleep about 16 hours a day.”  NOT THIS BABY.  He might finally be on his way to a nighttime sleep pattern of about 8-9 hours.  However, daytime naps?  HA HA HA HA  Once in a while he’ll sleep for an hour or two in the afternoon, but typically he’ll only take a couple of 20 minute cat naps.  Weeks ago it seemed he was grumpy because he was overtired, so I’d do everything possible to get him to sleep.  Now, though, he seems just fine with as little sleep as he’s getting.  He doesn’t want to miss anything.

7Back to the independence, though.  He also loves to have his space by being laid down on a blanket on the floor to flail and talk and look around.  Super alert and getting noisier every day.  He makes lots and lots of beautiful happy noises.  Based on all the cooing and squealing, I think he has a mighty lot to say, once he figures out just how to say it.

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