Here’s the “weekly newsletter” as we begin the 8th week. Two months. To which I say, “Wow, two months already?” and “Really? Has it only been two months?”
Last week I confirmed my suspicions about him needing/wanting his space when he sleeps. This week, I’ve determined that it has something to do with his arms. I need to get more photos of this, but when you spend some time with him, you notice that he’s always throwing his arms out wide. He loves to have those arms out. Maybe he’s just showing that he’s ready to embrace the world.
When I set him down on the couch, next to me, to doze – if he’s against the back of the couch & can’t have both arms out, he won’t sleep. But if I move him diagonally across the cushion, so that he can, he’ll sleep. He’s not a big fan of being cradled against you – he prefers over the shoulder ( to look around) or up and down on your knees – where he will throw those arms out.
I’ve also realized that it’s best for me to keep my hair pulled up at all times. He’s begun clutching at everything – if you hold him, he’ll clutch at your arms & shoulders or, in my case – my hair. Ouch.
Since determining that Little Mr Independent wants his space & letting him sleep in the basinette (next to our bed), he’s been sleeping 4 + 3 intervals at night, on average. After Chris leaves for work, he’ll generally go another hour and a half or so.
We got a digital baby/toddler scale last week and he was up to 11.9 pounds. Probably about 11.12 or thereabouts by today. Inititally, he gained a lot of weight, fast – which was a good thing. Now it’s slow & steady. Also a good thing.
I know that eventually, I’ll miss these days and wish he were a baby again, but I’m really looking forward to interacting with him more. I want to read to him and take him to kids’ museums and the zoo.
But I know what my mom would say – he’ll grow up too quickly, enjoy every moment without looking ahead so soon!
Sigh – I love this picture of him!