Week 9

As we speed towards his third month, I try to remember that we should be enjoying every moment of right now, but it’s hard not to want to hurry up to the days when we can take him to the zoo, museums, etc.

He’s been drooling like crazy, which I originally thought was just his new signal of hunger, but it turns out it’s just a normal development – a precursor to teething.  (Oh, can’t wait for that fun!)

The joy of napping continues to elude us.  This kid does not nap.  Did I say this already? – I stopped napping completely at 5 months.  So I guess this is mom’s revenge.  I think I’m done reading all the guidelines & books about “this is what babies do at this age,” because everyone else I talk to is quite insistent on these things, whereas I’ve realized pretty quickly that all these guidelines are absolutely not true for everyone.

Especially when you have a kid as unique as Felix. *smile*  Takes after his mother, that one – always bucking the system and doing things differently from everyone else.

Well, it’s not entirely true when I say he doesn’t nap.  He takes 20 minute catnaps, at best.  Perhaps 2 or 3 a day (depending on how desperate I’m feeling.)  He agrees to nap for 20 minutes whenever I want to take a shower.  So, that’s nice of him.

I’ve already warned everyone off of giving me suggestions on getting him to sleep – I’ve tried it all.  The ONLY thing that does any good is movement.  Again, like me, who only slept in the car.  He sleeps in the car (so long as we’re not at a red light), in the stroller (so long as we’re actually walking/moving), in his car seat when we’re carrying it AND I’ve discovered, if I put him on my lap and bounce him around.

So, we’re buying a baby swing today and see if that might become my “mother’s little helper.”

I’d say, on average, including nighttime (or rather, ONLY at nighttime), he gets about 9-10 hours of sleep a day.  He actually doesn’t seem all that cranky for getting so little sleep.  Occasionally he is, but then I put him down for one of his infamous catnaps, and all is well again.

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